Michael Haegele
Michael Haegele has been living and working as a freelancer photographer in Düsseldorf since 1993. Haegele has a special sense for the differentiated visualisation of brand presentations, aimed at photographic scenarios featuring the field of tension between human beings and the technology. So it is no coincidence that his portfolio includes blue chip companies like BMW, Air France, Bayer, Daimler Chrysler and Deutsche Bank. Michael Haegele's photographic approach is encyclopaedic: his range includes still life, automotive, people, food and lifestyle photography as well as editorial work for Condé Nast, Elle and Corporate Publishing.
Clients: Air France, Allianz, Aral, Bank Austria, Bayer, Bmw, Bosch, Daimler Chrysler, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Post, Deutsche Telekom, Evian, Hewlett Packard, Ibm, Lufthansa, Michelin, Microsoft, Miele, Nokia, Prada, Pwc, Sap, Sennheiser, Siemens, Sony, Toyota, Vodafone, Volkswagen, Tbc...